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2020-10-23 08:53:12 来源:中国商品网  


  Jibao is also called chicken yellow. Commonly known as chicken Lingbao in the folk, it is a chicken stone taken out of a chicken. Jibao is a kind of yellowish hard, with a layer of membrane and some with bloodshot eyes. Intact chicken yellow is mostly oval, golden to yellow-brown in appearance, delicate and shiny. Jibao refers to the diseased egg cell, the basic component is an object similar to the yolk component. Foreign research on Jibao has made remarkable achievements in the fields of cancer change therapy. Since natural chicken treasures are very precious, chickens must be more than 2 years old to have a "winning rate" of one in a million. Chicken treasures have clear medical value. Jibao is still invaluable, and the rare thing is precious.




  Jibao is one of the most valuable ingredients in Chinese medicine. It takes a long time to form and is rarely found in chickens. It is known as the leader of Chinese medicine. The reason why Jibao is so expensive is its medicinal value. There are also records in the medical books of traditional Chinese medicine. Has a high collection value!The chicken has a fresh fragrance, slightly bitter taste and sweet, cool in nature. Return to the stomach meridian, heart meridian, spleen meridian, bladder meridian. Oral treatment for yang fistula, premature ejaculation,spermatorrhea,irregularmenstruation,hyperthermia, coma, madness, convulsions, convulsions, esophagus cancer, gastric disease, nausea, etc., and external treatment for sore throat, sore carbuncle, furuncle, and toxins , Uremia, etc. It is an important raw material for a variety of goodmedicines.




  The reason why "Jibao" has been rumored to be so expensive lies in its medicinal value. When it comes to the "treasures" in the stomach and intestines of animals, everyone is more familiar with "bezoar", "goubao" and "mabao. This is known as the "Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine."This collection weighs 125 grams and is the best in collectors







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